Summary of Observed Actions
First guy on Upper W. Terrace, came from SW stairs & waited, then one of first inside tunnel, extracts himself from glass doors when attack seems to fail. Helps other members of the tunnel team make their way through crowds, and appears to help in recruiting fighters, passes messages between #BullhornLady via #UWSeattleGuy. Helps hand up a ladder. Possibly gives his vest to #WhiteDeathHoodie to make his exit in.
Appearance notes (from this sheet):
Lip ring (gold spiral), earlobe discs (missing L), cross tattoo behind L ear, arm tattoos (compass rose L. elbow), heavy jewelry (watch, skull ring, gold chains w cross, bracelet R. arm). Sometimes has black vest.
Parler videos:



Appears in the following YouTube videos (try if no longer available via YouTube):
SleevelessRedTattoos on by
@jan6evidence SleevelessRedTattoos on by
Appears in a photo and/or video with:
#BabyMachoMan #BaldEagle #BlackHandedRedHood #BullHornLady #CommanderBlueHoodie #FlagGaiterCopHater #FrodoTheFash #GinaBisignano #GreenHoodlum #GreenPufferUnderCover #HarleyHatFilmer #HarvardSweats #LeatherHanesHisWay #OrangeHoodieRedHat #PippiLongScarf #RaybanTerrorist #RedFace45 #RyanNichols #ScaryCherry3P #SeattleUWGuy #TunnelTraitorRight #WindowCheerleader #YellowScarfYeti