Capitol Terrorist Attack
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Summary of Observed Actions
Stole escape hood, safety equipment for evacuating lawmakers

Appearance notes (from this sheet):
Full head of dark hair, but not terribly long. Dark mustache and thin beard that follows the whole jawline (more than AirHeadBoyTwin's does). Red, black, and gray plaid hoodie with black cuffs and black lining. Beneath that is a gray t-shirt with a large picture on it in pastel colors. (Might be a 50's diner.) In one picture he has a different red and black plaid jacket over the aforementioned hoodie which has its hood up. Backpack with bright red straps. Dark pants (black jeans?). Recorded leaving the Capitol Building wearing a clear plastic helmet used by Congress Members in emergencies, which is how he got his name. Always seen in the company of AirheadLady. Not to be confused with AirheadBoyTwin.

VandalismIntrusion Alternate Hashtags: #Insider1256
Associates: #AirHeadLady
Case Status: Arrested
Defendant name: RONDON, Rafael
Arrested: 10/1/2021
Case #: 1:21-mj-00586-ZMF
State: NY

AirHeadBoy on by @jan6evidence

AirHeadBoy on by @seditionhunters

AirHeadBoy on by @seditiontrack

Appears in a photo and/or video with: #AirHeadBoyTwin #AirHeadLady #AndrewAlanHernandez #BadAdams #BatonThief #BradleyBennett #ChristianSecor #ChumpyTrumpFace #ElfNazi #ElizabethWilliams #FashProShop #FuzzyPinhead #JoeBiggs #ParaSnooper #PhilipVogel #PoserKate #RedBucketHole #SwimGogglesPB #TonyMariotto